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Support Project, 2007-2010

The MÉTA Programme has a strong commitment to education. We are participating in the SUPPORT Project - Partnership and participation for a sustainable tomorrow, EU Lifelong Learning Programme 2007 - 2010, Comenius Network sub-programme also. SUPPORT has been established in order to address the need to enhance the quality of educational practices and material in line with the challenges of sustainable development. The overall objective is to promote education for sustainable development in European schools.

We are applying (and recommend to visit) SUSTAIN as an educational tool. The site includes interesting field activities complete with guidelines for how the pupils can investigate, discuss and communicate their results. When the results are submitted to the network, they are made available for others to view.


SUPPORT and SUSTAIN developed the international campaign 'CO2nnect: CO2 on the way to school', a unique opportunity to improve the quality of Education for Sustainable Development.




MÉTA are looking for opportunities to provide their results for educational purpose, therefore we established a cooperation to the Hungarian Society for Environmental Education. We are going on to develop a landscape evaluation case study, an easy guide to identify our habitats and evaluate naturalness of habitats in a didactic way for students.