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Data request

Data availability

The potential distribution of the studied habitats was predicted for the complete territory of Hungary. The results can be obtained in two ways. (1) It can be freely downloaded as low-resolution maps. These maps are primarily suitable for orientation and collecting information. (2) Fine-resolution (about 700 meters, that of the MÉTA database) data will be available upon formal data request.

Data request process - for Hungarian speaking colleagues

The data request should be submitted to the MÉTA Board, primarily electronically (meta-kuratorium [at], in the same way as in the case of data request on the observed vegetation data. A Data Request Form (in Hungarian at the moment) has to be completed, describing the precise geographical location and extent of the requested area, the name of the requested habitats (see list of available habitats here), and the purpose of use. The assessment of the request is always done individually and, if any shortage is found or a modification is needed, we contact the data requester. Please make sure you indicate on the Form that you request the potential and not the observed vegetation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the data request feel free to contact the research team directly. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the data request feel free to contact the research team directly.

Data request process - for colleagues not speaking Hungarian

Please contact our research team.