PROGRAM OF THE XIV. MÉTA-TÚRA (2010. június 24 – július 2.)
As we have planned, after visiting Northern-Serbia and the Southern-Carpathian in Romania, on the 14th MÉTA-trip we have visited Northern Bulgaria, from the 24th of June to the 2nd of July 2010. One of the main goals of the trip was to discuss the Pannonian relations of the vegetation in N-Bulgaria. You can find the photos of the trip here: http://www.meta-tura.gportal.hu/
Program of the trip
24 June: start from Budapest, Deak tér (square) - Kalotina (Serbian-Bulgarian border) – Sofia (transit) – dinner and accommodation in a tourist house in the Vrachanska Mt.
25 June: on the territory of the Natural Park “Vrachanski Balkan” – short meeting with the Park Authority, visit: a) xerophytic grasslands, b) beech forest, c) cave (ticket), accommodation in the same place.
26 June: travel from Natural Park “Vrachanski Balkan” trough the town of Belogradchik to the town of Lom, visit: a) Quercus dalechampii forest, b) natural phenomenon Belogradchishki rocks and ancient castle of Belogradchik (ticket), c) inland dunes near by the Danube, accommodation in the town of Lom.
27 June: travel from the town of Lom to the town of Pleven, visit: a) Quercus cerris- Q. frainetto forests, b) loess grasslands c) optional visit a museum, accommodation in the town of Pleven.
28 June: travel from the town of Pleven to the town of Shumen : a) loess grasslands near by the town of Nikopol, salt steppes (E of the town of Svishtov)accommodation in the town of Shumen.
29 June: travel from the town of Shumen to the Shkorpilovtsi village (Black sea coast), visit: a) Natural Park “Shumensko plato” with Fagus moesiaca forests, b) historical place “Madara” (ticket) and petrophyl steppes, c) inland sand dunes with standing stones (“Pobiti kamani”) (ticket), accommodation in the village of Shkorpilovtsi.
30 June: visit Fraxinus oxycarpa alluvial forests and sand dunes vegetation, accommodation in the same place.
1-2 July: travel back day and night, arrival in Budapest in the morning 2. July.